Saturday, May 12, 2007

Internet Nazis – No Links for You!

I’m more into telling my story than I am into trying to make money from blogging (Not that I wouldn’t be interested if the opportunity presented itself) but I have met several people who earn a little extra scratch through their blogs. Several of us have heard the horror stories from other bloggers who have agreed to use Google Adsense only to be dropped when it was time to receive payment.

The fact that people are looking elsewhere to make money with their blogs seems to be a bit puzzling to the Evil Empire of the internet, so much so that they are now devising a way to punish bloggers and advertisers who sell and buy links.

Google Exec. Matt Cutts explains clearly on his blog that they do not want advertisers buying text links on blogs nor do they want bloggers selling the space. They’ve even gone so far as to set up a system to report when you see paid links.

It all seems hypocritical to me seeing as how Google makes a ton of money from their Adsense and Adwords programs. Both are geared towards getting your readers to click on a link. Here’s how it works. An advertiser pays Google money to place the links on your blogs and you in turn get paid, very minimally I might add, every time a person clicks on the link.

Ummm… isn’t that the very thing that the people at Google are “trying to prevent”? It seems to me that what they are really saying is that you either sell text links through them or you don’t sell them at all. Kinda like the marketing bullies of the internet.

Way to go Google! You just seem to always do your very best to make friends in the bloggiging community. The problem is that no one likes to be forced into a friendship.


doctor chip said...

Dear Over My Head,
I couldn't agree with you more.
It has become clear to me in recent weeks that the Blogger-Google machine (from this point forward, referred to as "Bloogle") are nothing BUT a bunch of dirty, rotten Nazi Bastard F***ks!
Anyone happening upon this comment, please click HERE, where you will find a lengthy and informative essay post on how and why they screwed ME. Oh, they stripped my PageRank, too. yup.
Please read the post. Bloogle is fucking you.

signed... doctor chip.

PS..... thanks for the chance to vent, a lot of peeps don't get what's UP out there.



doctor chip said...


sorry, my html bad.

billy jacks said...

There is a big difference between adsense and text links. The links in Adsense do not count as links (as in bots/spiders/whatever you want to call them) and don't improve the advertisers page rank.

Text links do (unless you use the rel=nofollow code in your link to them). They don't care if you buy clicks. They don't want you buying page rank/search engine ranking.

billy jacks said...


(as in bots/spiders/whatever you want to call them)

should read as
(as in bots/spiders/whatever you want to call them don't see them and can't follow or count them)

Unknown said...

As a webmaster, I can clear up the confusion...

Look at a page such as this:

Ok those are link exchanges. The purpose is to get quality, relevant sites for the search engines to see how important your site is (the more links that land on your site, the more relevant you are). Now they have to be links which people have placed because they want to or because they've done a fair exchange (I link to you; you link to me).

What is NOT permitted is paying people to link to you.. just buying massive amounts of links to get your page ranked higher in the search engines. There are lots of sites that offer this to webmasters.. it's bad.

Shawn C. said...

There are much better ways to make some extra cash off the internet then with google adsense. Sites like PayPerPost are becoming the gold standard of making money on blogs and websites these days. You might have to "sell out" a bit and put some advertising on your blog, but at least you get to pick and choose whether or not you are going to post these advertisements. Some people will post anything to make a buck. Many of us that use PPP post things that are relevant to our blogs or post about things that are actually of interest to us.

The days of Google Adsense are dead.